
How to Make Easy Foolproof Bread from Scratch

How to Make Easy Foolproof Bread from Scratch

Making bread from scratch can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s surprisingly simple and deeply rewarding. This article will guide you through the process of making easy, foolproof bread, perfect for beginners and seasoned bakers alike.

Introduction to Bread Making

The art of bread making is a delightful journey into the world of baking. It’s a process filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and the satisfaction of creating something delicious from just a few simple ingredients. This guide focuses on making peasant bread, a no-fuss, foolproof recipe perfect for beginners. Peasant bread is known for its crisp crust and soft, fluffy interior, making it an ideal starting point for those new to bread baking. Embrace the simplicity of this process and discover the joy of creating homemade bread that’s both easy and incredibly rewarding.

Ingredients and Equipment Needed

To embark on your bread-making journey, you’ll need the following:

  • Ingredients:
    • All-purpose flour
    • Instant yeast
    • Lukewarm water
    • Salt
    • Sugar
  • Equipment:
    • Large mixing bowl
    • Measuring cups and spoons
    • Oven
    • Baking bowls or pans
    • Kitchen towel or plastic wrap

These simple ingredients and tools are the foundation of your bread-making adventure.

For the best results, using high-quality bread flour, like those from King Arthur Baking, can make a significant difference in your bread’s texture and flavor.

Step-by-Step Bread Making Guide

Follow these steps for perfect bread every time:

  1. Mixing the Ingredients: Start by whisking together the flour, salt, sugar, and instant yeast in a large bowl. Gradually add the lukewarm water, mixing until a sticky dough forms.
  2. First Rise: Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap. Let the dough sit in a warm, draft-free area until it doubles in size, typically taking about 1 to 2 hours.
  3. Shaping and Second Rise: Once the dough has risen, gently punch it down to release air bubbles. Divide the dough into two equal parts and place each in a well-greased baking bowl. Allow it to rise again for about 30 minutes, until it slightly crowns the rim of the bowl.
  4. Baking the Bread: Preheat your oven. Bake the bread at a high temperature initially, then reduce the heat to allow the inside to cook thoroughly without burning the crust.

Tips for Perfect Bread Every Time

  • Temperature and Timing: The temperature of the water used to mix the dough is crucial. It should be warm enough to activate the yeast but not so hot that it kills it. A thermometer can be handy to check the water temperature (ideally around 110°F or 45°C).
  • Dough Consistency: The dough should be sticky but manageable. If it’s too dry, add a little more water; if too wet, add a bit more flour. The key is to achieve a balance where the dough is moist but not overly sticky.
  • Troubleshooting: If your bread isn’t rising, check the expiration date on your yeast. Also, ensure that your rising environment is warm enough. If the bread is too dense, it might need more rising time or a bit more yeast.

By following these steps and tips, you’ll be well on your way to baking delicious, homemade bread that’s both easy and foolproof. For more detailed guidance, The Kitchn offers excellent bread baking tips that can help you perfect your technique.

Variations and Customizations

Bread making is not just about following a recipe; it’s an opportunity to get creative. Here are some ideas to customize your peasant bread:

  • Adding Flavors: Enhance your bread by incorporating nuts, seeds, herbs, or dried fruits into the dough. This not only adds flavor but also texture.
  • Gluten-Free Options: For a gluten-free version, replace the all-purpose flour with your preferred gluten-free blend. Remember, the texture might vary, so some experimentation may be needed.
  • Whole Wheat Flour: Substitute part of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour for a healthier variant. This adds a nutty flavor and denser texture to your bread.

Storing and Serving Suggestions

Proper storage is key to maintaining the freshness of your bread:

  • Storing: Cool the bread completely before storing. Keep it in an airtight container or a bread box at room temperature for up to 3-4 days. For longer storage, slice and freeze the bread.
  • Serving Ideas: Serve your bread as a side to soups and salads, use it for sandwiches, or simply enjoy it toasted with butter or jam. Pair it with cheeses or dips for a delightful snack.

Advanced Baking Techniques

  • Baking in a Dutch Oven: For a crustier exterior, bake your bread in a preheated Dutch oven. This mimics a professional bread oven by trapping steam and creating a perfect crust.
  • Dinner Rolls and Sandwich Bread: Modify the shape of your dough to make dinner rolls or shape it into a loaf for sandwich bread. Adjust baking times accordingly.


Can I make this bread without a stand mixer?

  • Absolutely! This recipe is perfect for hand mixing.

Why is my bread dense?

  • Dense bread can result from insufficient rising time, old yeast, or over-kneading.

How do I know when my bread is done?

  • The bread should be golden brown, and when tapped on the bottom, it should sound hollow.

Can I use tap water for making bread?

  • Yes, but ensure it’s lukewarm. Extremely hot or chlorinated water can affect yeast activity.

Is it necessary to sift the flour?

  • Sifting is not essential but can help aerate the flour for a lighter loaf.

By exploring these advanced techniques and addressing common questions, you can enhance your bread-making skills and enjoy a variety of delicious homemade breads.

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Karen Elliot

Written by Karen Elliot

Hi, I'm Karen Elliot is a food blogger who founded to make cooking easier. Growing up on a farm in Spain, Karen was inspired by exquisite dishes prepared using simple ingredients. Karen Elliot is particularly known for making anyone can cook.


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